the colors of christmas

Canon 7D, Canon 50mm/1.8, ISO 400, 1/200 second, +.67 exposure compensation, custom portrait mode

Just a few favorite images from our holiday break in December…hope to get the January holiday shots posted soon, too!

Canon 7D, Canon 50mm/1.8, f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/160 second, custom portrait mode

Canon 7D, Canon 50mm/1.8, ISO 100, 1/1250 second, +.67 exposure compensation

Canon 7D, Tamron 28-75/2.8, f/4.0, ISO 400, 1/60 second, 580EX speedlight (dragged the shutter)

All photos shot with a Canon 7D, Canon 85 mm/1.8, Canon 50/1.8 or Tamron 28-75mm/2.8. When flash was needed, I dragged the shutter with a Canon 580EX speedlight bounced off a white ceiling.

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new love

Ever since my trip to Hawaii three years ago, I’ve been drawn to dreamy motion blurs. So my new Lensbaby 3G Control Freak makes me extra giddy, as it offers additional avenues of exploring beautiful blurry-ness while adding a touch of selective focus to the mix. Here are just a few of my first captures. Will share more soon. 🙂

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dogwoods at dusk

As promised, here are some spring dogwoods (and a few tulips on the same evening).

All shot with my 70-300mm macro at 180-300 from f/4.6 to f/5.3, iso 200

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chasing the light…

Oh, how I love chasing the evening light (yes, for all who know me certainly not the morning light-except in Molokai, Dewitt!).

There were a few apple blossoms on a little tree growing wild in woods near our lake home and I just couldn’t playing with the light one evening.

And, I couldn’t resist the dogwoods at our local garden park. I don’t believe it’s common to have dogwoods in Minnesota, so what a treat! Photos of them coming soon!

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poppy seeds…

Do poppy seeds come from these pretty poppies? I’ve never thought about it before, but I suppose they do.

Each spring I have the much loved task of shooting Jerome’s poppies in exchange for enjoying his garden produce throughout the year. I think I’m the winner in this deal! OK, I know I am.

You can read about his organic produce and see more of my garden imagery on Alyssa’s delightful blog,, on simple, healthy eating.

All images shot with my 28-75mm at f/2.8, iso 100, AV mode, cloudy white balance for extra warmth.

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blossoms and bees

Hi everyone and Happy Easter! Springtime blossoms are starting to emerge from our thawing soil, as well as my yearning to capture their beauty. Below are a few favs shot at a summer garden party. You can see more on my Flickr.


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