prom prettiness

Hello again! I’m going to spend the next few weeks or so getting caught up sharing my recent imagery. 2010 has been filled with fun shoots of all shapes and sizes. It’s wedding and grad season, so life is full!

Prom was a splendid array of color and laughter, and quite a dreamy event for Rachel. Time goes much too quickly, but I’m grateful for each memory.

I’m testing out various image displays so below is both a thumbnail/lightbox viewer and slideshow. Click on thumbnails to open lightbox viewer. To scroll through slideshow click on arrows beneath large image.

Mom continues to tolerate her 3rd round of chemo well, now into her 4th year of battling this disease. Again, I’m thankful.

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sam or should i say brett favre?

I never noticed that Sam is the spitting image of Brett Favre until this shoot! Sam, did you know? And, I guess there’s no showing those pearly whites, right? 🙂

A very special young man with big dreams for his life…and they will come true…

Loves to work the land…

Hopes to own his own farm one day…

Raised in the city…

But has roots in the country…

Marches to the beat of his own drum…

Totally, Sam.

It’s been an honor knowing you most of your life!

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up close and personal…

One of my favorite shots of two friends is up close and personal, like with Alyssa and Cara below. It’s almost as if I’m looking into the soul of their friendship…blessed that family and clients feel comfortable to let me into their space like this.

Love this shot of Lys…

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senior year, here we come…

Hard to believe Rach is already a senior…just yesterday it seems she was our angel baby and then our silly four-year-old, stealing the show with her quirky antics. Oh how I miss those little people years. Blessed to have three beautiful young people now; it just goes so fast.

But…one bonus of time fleeting away so quickly was a summer of spur-of-the-moment shoots with a VERY willing subject. Pushed myself to break some photography rules and really had fun with Photoshop!

What a blast we had…here are just a few of our favs so far. She’ll be getting her braces off in a month or two, so that will give us another excuse to play some more! Most were shot with my Canon 85mm/1.8.

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