san francisco…

Some commercial work I wanted to share of the magnificent city by the bay…

The lyrics by Tony Bennett do such a beautiful job portraying its draw for so many…

I left my heart in San Francisco

High on a hill, it calls to me.

To be where little cable cars

Climb halfway to the stars!

The morning fog may chill the air

I don’t care!

My love waits there in San Francisco

Above the blue and windy sea

When I come home to you, San Francisco,

Your golden sun will shine for me!

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can you hear the silence…

There’s something about the northwoods of Minnesota that stills our minds and quiets our souls. For 40+ years, Kris’s family has cherished their lake cabin and re-connected after long winters and busy family lives. We do not take this refuge for granted. These images from last summer speak of the respite it is to us. Hopefully you too can enjoy the quiet.

fyi…All imagery taken with Lensbaby Control Freak Lens. See more Lensbaby love here.

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simply spring

Condensing the recent nature work I’ve done, enjoying the immense beauty that erupts from a stark Minnesota winter.

I love shooting into the sun near sunset…just something about the softness, bokeh light in the background, and unexpected colors that draws me to this type of imagery.

Something I just realized…I believe most nature photographers shoot landscape orientation, but I find myself almost exclusively shooting portrait orientation. Maybe it’s because of the macro work or my portraiture…I have no idea why…I just subconsciously rotate the camera.

All shot with a Canon 7D and the following lenses: Canon 80mm/1.8, Canon 50mm/1.8, Tamron 70-300mm/macro

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