a look back…

Over the years I’ve been blessed to capture a lifetime of memories via the lens…celebrating family, love, friends, nature, and everyday moments. Here are a few collages of my favorites (as always click to enlarge and view in a lightbox). While I am now retired from portrait photography for hire, a day doesn’t go by that I don’t click the shutter in awe of the beauty before me. So much to be grateful for! 

jocelyn senior portraits…

With a gorgeous summer day as our backdrop, Jocelyn’s grad shoot was filled with lovely lens flares, fun sport shots, and lots of laughs. Such a gifted, humble young woman! Here is just a small sneak peek of the shoot…

hello world!


Supplies here

Hi there! I’m so excited to share life’s beautiful journey through my images on this blog and via ClickArtistry. Special thanks to Kathy Moore of The Blog Shoppe for her assistance with installing my blog design.

For the past six years I’ve been a graphic artist and photographer via CottageArts.net, and Click.Artistry will focus on my photography, client images, and photographer resources (tools to help photographers create artistic images simply and quickly). CottageArts’ continues to be an important part of my life…you can see our team’s blog here.

Above is some recent, favorite poppy imagery. If photography resources were used to create the art, I’ll add a link to the supply information.
